Wednesday, 1 December 2010

El Piáz: One Language, Many Cultures

Cultura Argentina:  Arte, Deportes, y Alimentacion

This site provides information about cultural activities of Argentinians.  It includes descriptions of typical art, music, sports, and food of Argentina.  All of the explanations are in Spanish.  This would be most suitable for an upper-intermediate class because of its advanced level of vocabulary and long explanations.  I thought this would be a suitable site to choose from if students were to do a research project about culture.  It would give them a lot of input to play with, and they could pick and choose the part of the culture that interests them the most so that they can become experts in that one area and have something to talk about that they enjoy.  The following are also websites dealing with culture from other countries:
La Cultura - Generalidades
This site touches on basic culltural distinctions of Peru that make it a unique environment for travel and living.  It primarily focuses on the art, architecture, music, languages, and holidays of Peruvians, but it also includes a section on typical cultural customs, literature, and handicrafts.  The information presented in the site is extensive, and there are great photographs to go along with it.  One possible lesson idea would be to get each student to report on a different country in Spanish and have them give presentations by taking pictures from websites like these and explaining them to their classmates.

Cultura Cubana
This site is about music, dance, film, literature, and art found in Cuba.

Todo sobre Espana
Everything about bulls, fiestas, flamenco, and food of Spain can be found on this site.

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